privacy  policy

We care about the confidentiality of your data. In this regard, the company “PROFI-M” has developed this privacy policy (hereinafter – the “Policy”), the purpose of which is to inform you about the procedure for collecting, storing and processing personal data and information provided by you using this website -site.

1. General provisions

1.1. This Agreement was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On the Protection of Personal Data” and other normative acts of Ukrainian legislation that regulate legal relations related to the collection, processing, and storage of personal data, as well as the right of citizens to non-interference in private life and the right to self-expression.

This Agreement is a public accession agreement.

1.2. When visiting the resources of this site, the user of the Site confirms his agreement with the rules and requirements of the Agreement. If the User of the site does not agree to the terms of the Agreement, he is obliged to leave the site and refrain from visiting it in the future.

1.3. The procedure for granting consent provides for:

1.3.1. use of any of the functions or services of the Site;

1.3.2. entering your data in the “Your name” and/or “Your e-mail” forms on the Site;

1.3.3. indicating and/or instructions “I agree with the Agreement on the processing of personal data” when using the Site service.

1.4. The Site user has no right to post information, use the site, if he does not agree with the Privacy Policy, or he has not reached the legal age when he has the right to enter into agreements, or is limited in his rights in accordance with the law, or is not an authorized person the company on whose behalf the information is posted

2. Terms and definitions

“Administrator” – Profi-M LLC, address

“Database” is a collection of information (information, data) in computer files and the Database Management System.

“Information (information, data) of the Site” is information about the services of the Site, which are entered into the database by Users.

“Information” – any information, texts, links, graphic, video and audio objects, Materials.

“User” (or “Users”) – any natural/legal person (or programs that allow using the site – “Robots”), regardless of legal status and legal capacity, who use any of the functions or services of the Site.

“Company” – the owner of the Site – Profi-M LLC, address: Ivano-Frankivsk Region, Kalush, St. Kozoris, 44D.

“Materials” – the text of information (information, data), photos, graphics, messages, audio (video) recordings, program codes, comments and other materials.

“Site” – and all its other elements/sections/parts/web pages located at the given link.

3. Restrictions according to the Privacy Policy

3.1. The Site user must comply with the following rules:

3.1.1. not to use the site improperly, not to try to influence or interfere with its operation or to access information other than through a standard interface;

3.1.2. use the site only in accordance with Ukrainian legislation;

3.1.3. in case of violation of the terms of the Agreement or in case of suspicion of violation of the terms of the Agreement, the Administrator has the right to suspend or completely close the Site User’s access to the site at the Site User’s IP address.

3.2. The Company may review and update this Agreement at any time. The Site User is bound by these changes and must visit this page from time to time to review the current version of the Agreement.

4. Rights of the Site User

4.1. The Site user has the right to:

4.1.1. to know about the location of the personal data base that contains his personal data, its purpose and name, location, and/or place of residence (residence) of the owner or manager of personal data or to give the appropriate instructions for obtaining this information to persons authorized by him, except cases established by law;

4.1.2. to receive information about the conditions for providing access to personal data, in particular information about third parties to whom his personal data is transferred;

4.1.3. to access your personal data;

4.1.4. to receive no later than thirty calendar days from the date of receipt of the request, except in cases provided by law, an answer about whether his personal data is stored in the relevant personal data base, as well as to receive the contents of his personal data that are stored;

4.1.5. present a reasoned demand to the owner of personal data with an objection to the processing of his personal data;

4.1.6. make a reasoned demand to change or destroy your personal data by any owner and administrator of personal data, if these data are processed illegally or are unreliable;

4.1.7. to protect your personal data from illegal processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage, in connection with deliberate concealment, failure to provide or untimely provision of them, as well as protection from providing information that is unreliable or disgraces honor, dignity and business reputation of an individual;

4.1.8. contact and complaints about the processing of their personal data to state authorities and officials whose authority is to ensure the protection of personal data, or to the court;

4.1.9. apply legal remedies in case of violation of the legislation on the protection of personal data;

4.1.10. enter a reservation regarding the limitation of the right to process one’s personal data when giving consent;

4.1.11. withdraw consent to the processing of personal data;

4.1.12. know the mechanism of automatic processing of personal data;

4.1.13. to protect against an automated decision that has legal consequences for him;

4.2. The disposal of personal data of the Site User, who is limited in civil capacity or recognized as incapacitated, is carried out by his legal representative.

5. Purposes of collecting personal data

5.1. The Company collects and uses personal data of the Site User to better provide the necessary services and information, as well as to:

5.1.1. to answer questions and requests;

5.1.2. process orders;

5.1.3. regulate or otherwise fulfill its obligations in connection with any contract concluded with the Company;

5.1.4. prevent and solve problems related to any services provided to the Site User;

5.1.5. create products or services that meet the needs of the Site User;

5.1.6. promptly respond to possible complaints related to the shortcomings of the provided services;

5.2. The company may use personal data in the course of direct marketing (including providing information about goods and services that may be of interest in the future by sending SMS, electronic messages, VIBER);

5.3. Except as provided in this privacy policy, the Company will not disclose any personal information unless the Company is required to do so by law or if such action is necessary to protect or prevent our rights, property or personal safety, and also similarly in relation to our users / customers and other persons.

6. Use of personal information provided on other sites

6.1. The Company’s website may contain links to other websites, or the Website User may go to the Company’s website following a link from another website;

6.2. The company is not responsible for the privacy policy and practical methods on other sites.

7. Cookie policy, use of Google Analytics

7.1. The Company uses cookies to operate the website. With their help, it is possible to identify the browser of users who visit our site repeatedly, in these files it is possible to save user settings and other information. For ease of use of the site, the Company uses the remarketing function. Cookies are also used when working with this function;

7.2. The Site user can set the browser to reject all cookies or notify about their sending;

7.3. With the help of Google Analytics, the Company collects statistics about visits to the site, such as visited pages, number of page views, domains, Internet providers and countries of origin of our visitors, as well as addresses of sites visited before and after the site, etc.

8. Other provisions

8.1. The company takes measures to ensure that the information on this website is reliable. However, the Company does not assume responsibility and does not guarantee that the information and data provided are accurate, objective and current at the time of review;

8.2. It is prohibited to distribute, change, transfer, use or reuse any information from this site for any public or commercial purpose without written permission of the Company;

8.3. Users can change / delete personal information (phone) or refuse to receive newsletters at any time. The operation of some features of the Company, which require the availability of information about the User, may be suspended from the moment of information change / deletion (including paid services);

8.4. The User’s personal data are stored until the User deletes them. A letter (information) sent to the e-mail address specified by the User will be sufficient notification of the User about the deletion or other processing of personal data. If the User does not specify his own e-mail address, the message will not be sent to the User.

8.5. The user agrees with the Agreement, as well as with the transfer and processing of data. The user confirms that he is of legal age, as well as the absence of any acts limiting his legal capacity.

8.6. The Site user has the right to personally learn more about the information stored by the company and make corrections if necessary. The Site user has the right to ask us not to use the information by not giving consent in the registration form.

9. Final provisions

9.1. The User can get any clarifications on the necessary issues related to the processing of his personal data by contacting the Operator via e-mail
9.2. Any changes to the personal data processing policy by the Operator will be reflected in this document. The policy is valid indefinitely until it is replaced by a new version.